Resources on Model Based Control

Most control methods, other than PID, rely on a model of the controller. With Predictive and robust control methods the models are built into the control designs, with self-tuning control the models are estimated on-line from plant data. This sections deals with other model based control techniques, that do not fall into any other category.

ACTC Case Study Reports
  • Roche Products: Non-linear Model Based Control for pH (CS06/1993) Investigated the use of Generic Model Control (GMC), a non-linear model based method, for pH control
  • British Steel: Multivariable Decoupling Control of Collector Main Pressure on Coke Ovens (CS09/1995) multivariable pressure control using decoupled PI and H-inf
Links to Other Resources
  • GMC Control of a Strong Acid-Base Neutralisation System, Dec Costello, Technical Report 1992-04, Dept. of Chem Eng., Edinburgh University, June 1992. Looks at using classical feedback-feedforward controllers and Generic Model Control (GMC) for control of strong acid-base neutralisation process. Presents modelling, control design and tuning, comparison and limitations. It concludes that feedback-feedforward control provides significant improvement over standard PI control. The GMC strategy works well under ideal conditions, but it cannot cope with significant model/plant mis-match.
  • The University of Strathclyde are establishing a website for a new New Nonlinear Industrial Control Book which should be published next year. The website includes the NGMV software which is an output of EPSRC supported projects and industrial studies kindly supported by ISC. The material in the book is of course that which has been approved for publication. The software is numerous industrial application examples and control design methods ranging from the simple NGMV to robust H-infinity, predictive control and even controls which, when the system is linear become LQG. It also includes the new nonlinear estimators. Anyone who would like access to the software can download the design package now from: