Hybrid and predictive control for nonlinear industrial applications
28th - 30th April 2009, Glasgow
This meeting has since been held. (Register your interest for the next course here.)
Some of the presentations may now be available for download on-line (ACTC members only). You can do so from our Download Centre or simply by clicking on the appropriate link in the agenda below.
Please Note: Presentation material downloaded from our web-site should not be incorporated (either in part or in entirety) into other work etc., nor distributed (either in part or in entirety) to third parties, without the express permission of the authors.
These training courses are open to anybody. Employees and Students of Strathclyde University may attend this workshop free of charge. Companies which are a member of the ACTC, are entitled to two places free of charge, attendees from other companies are required to pay the fee detailed on the registration form.
The workshop will be hosted by the University of Strathclyde in co-operation with the University of Glasgow.
Aims: This is the fourth workshop on the subject of Nonlinear Control and Applications. The Industrial Control Centre, co-sponsored by EPSRC, ACTC, IET, InstMC, IEEE, IEEE-UKRI, AFRL and National Instruments, aims to pull together scientists, academics, industrialists and practitioners giving emphasis to applications and new results in nonlinear and predictive control.
The workshop is carefully structured to be of interest to both engineers in industry and to students and academics. The first day of the 3-day event workshop will be concerned with an overview of new technology with contributions from National Instruments and Quanser who will introduce the latest design and simulation tools, and equipment. The aim is to demonstrate the new software and hardware tools available that will improve the design and implementation of control systems for nonlinear applications, and particularly for predictive control systems.
The second day of the workshop will be aimed at participants from industry to introduce the subjects of nonlinear control predictive control and hybrid systems and to also describe applications with possible advantages and problems. Problems in the implementation of advanced control and signal processing methods will be considered and their use in embedded systems for applications such as wind turbine control and for networked systems control will be discussed.
The final day of the 3-day workshop is to look to future developments in both theory and applications. The advances in nonlinear control and the importance of hybrid systems research will be considered and new developments in predictive control which offer solutions at both supervisory and regulatory level. Members of the European Union HYCON network have been invited to present talks on the application of hybrid systems.
The workshop provides an exciting opportunity for all attendees to be up-dated with the state-of-the-art of nonlinear control. This event will be a good opportunity to establish good relationships with partners responsible for developments on nonlinear control. The level of the presentations will be suitable for research students and there will be demonstrations of hardware and software tools in the hand-on session. The new software and hardware tools are suitable for both real time control and for control systems design.
Additional Information
Event Venue Maps and Information on Getting to Strathclyde
Getting to Strathclyde University
John Anderson Campus
Collins Building
Graham Hills Building
Royal College Building
Glasgow City Centre offers a wide range of accommodation which we can recommend or book on your behalf. For further details please download the Price List, Registration and Information Form or e-mail / call Sheila Campbell Tel: +44 (0) 141 5612378.
Day 1: Developments in Graphical System Design for Real-Time Control Applications. | ||
09.00 | REGISTRATION - Committee Room 1 | |
09.25 | Welcome and Introduction, Hong Yue | |
09.30 | Reduce hardware development time – prototype and deploy control systems faster, Robert Morton, National Instruments, Newbury, UK | |
10.10 | Real-time implementation of controller and observer design using LabVIEW, Pawel Majecki and Shamsher Ali Naz, University of Strathclyde | |
10.50 | TEA/COFFEE - Committee Room 1 | |
11.10 | Develop effective engineers - teach the practice of control with LabVIEW and the full range of Quanser control challenges, Paul Karam, Quanser, Canada | |
11.50 | Nonlinear modelling and control of heavy marine handling equipment, Paul McKenna, Glasgow Caledonian University | |
12.30 | LUNCH - RCB 2.13 Killearn Room | |
13.30 | Hands-on ‘Rapid Control Prototyping with NI CompactRIO’, National Instruments | |
15.00 | TEA/COFFEE - Committee Room 1 | |
15.20 | Hands-on ‘Rapid Control Prototyping with NI CompactRIO’, (continued), National Instruments | |
16.50 | Wrap up & discussions, National Instruments | |
17.15 | Close | |
Day 2: Predictive Control and Applications | ||
09.00 | REGISTRATION - Committee Room 1 | |
09.30 | Industrial Applications of Predictive Functional Control: principles and industrial applications, Jacques Richalet, Consultant, France | |
10.10 | Model predictive control for nonlinear systems, Mike Grimble, University of Strathclyde | |
10.50 | TEA/COFFEE - Committee Room 1 | |
11.10 | Suppression of burst phenomena in two-wheeled road vehicles, David Limebeer, Imperial College London | |
11.50 | Emulation modelling and control of a multivariable power boiler system, Peter Young, University of Lancaster | |
12.30 | LUNCH - RCB 2.13 Killearn Room | |
13.30 | Turbocharged diesel engine modelling for nonlinear engine control, Silvio Simani, University of Ferrara | |
14.10 | Develop robust real-time controllers quickly and efficiently using rapid control prototyping , Paul Karam, Quanser, Canada | |
14.50 | Multifidelity simulation for aerospace systems, David Anderson, University of Glasgow | |
15.30 | TEA/COFFEE - Committee Room 1 | |
15.50 | Nonlinear control of climate in greenhouses , Fernando Tadeo, Universidad de Valladolid | |
16.30 | Applications of a new class of hybrid systems -systems with controlled discrete transitions, Joseph Bentsman, Uni. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | |
17.10 | Close | |
19.00 | Banquet - The Italian Kitchen, G1 1EX | |
Day 3: New Developments in Predictive and Nonlinear Control | ||
09.00 | REGISTRATION - Committee Room 1 | |
09.30 | Modern look at steady state bumpless transfer for hybrid applications: robust, optimal, instantaneous, Joseph Bentsman, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | |
10.10 | Predictive Functional control (PFC): implementation and teaching, Jacques Richalet, Consultant, France | |
10.50 | TEA/COFFEE - Committee Room 1 | |
11.10 | Achievements and perspectives of hybrid control in process plants, Daniel Sarabia, University of Valladolid | |
11.50 | Wireless mining ventilation control: a HYCON test case for networked control, Alessandro D’Innocenzo, University of L’Aquila | |
12.30 | LUNCH - GHB room 7.38 | |
14.00 | Some recent results on robust control of time-delay systems, Qingchang Zhong, University of Liverpool | |
14.40 | Towards bipedal running using hybrid control design, Martin Brown/Houman Dallali, University of Manchester | |
15.20 | Nonlinear lossless equivalent systems by stabilised identification, Tom Shenton, University of Liverpool | |
16.00 | Close |
For further details or to register your interest please e-mail Sheila Campbell or
telephone +44 (0) 141 5612378