Alarm Handling Systems
ACTC Resources
- Alarm Diagnostics Demo Disk produced by ISC Ltd. Shows how knowledge based systems can be used to diagnose alarms, helping the operator identify key alarms and the central cause of the problem during a typical scenario and ensuing alarm flood. Contact ISC Ltd. if you would like to find out more about this demonstration (
Alarm Handling Articles
- Soft Control Desks and Alarm Display, C.R.Dicken, IEE Computing & Control Journal, Feb 1999. Discusses impact of operator console design on ability to handle alarms, and also new methods to help operators handle alarms more safely and efficiently.
- Alarming Performance, M.Bransby and J.Jenkinson, IEE Computing & Control Journal, April 1998. Presents the results of a HSE survey into alarm systems management in chemical and power plants.
Alarm Handling Articles
- Explosive Lessons, M.Bransby, IEE Computing & Control Journal, April 1998. A review of a major accident at an Oil Refinery, looking at the incident, fault, operator interface, training and alarm managment issues.
- Feature on Abnormal Situation Managment in ACTT News, Nov 1999. Summary of papers presented at a ACTT seminar on the subject. Topics covered survey of existing alarm systems, definitions used with alarm systems, good practice, human factors.
- IEE Colloquium on Best Practices in Alarm Management, 25 March 1998. A summary of each of the papers presented at this can be found in IChemE Process Control Subject Group Newsletter, July 1998.
- Intelligent Systems Applications for Power System Control and Management, J.McDonald, S.McArthur and G.Burt, IEE Computing & Control Journal, April 2001. Described intelligent systems for alarm processing (APEX), fault diagnosis (RESPONDD), system restoration (RASP) as well as higher level power systems, including protection analysis.
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