Resources on Predictive Control
- Advanced Control in Co-generation Utility Management, S.Goodhart, J.Nishizawa, K.Yano and H.Yada, IEE Computing & Control Journal, Dec 2000. A description of the application of DMCplus to optimise operating costs of a steam and electrical co-generation plant at a large Mitsubishi Chemical plant in Japan.
- Algorithms for Industrial Model Predictive Control, D.Sandoz, M.Desforges, B.Lennox and Peter Goulding, IEE Computing & Control Journal, June 2000. Discusses three different methods for realising constrained predictive control that are in different stages of take up in industrial applications. An example based on a heavy oil fractionator is presented.
- Special Feature in IEE Computing & Control Journal,
October 1999, on Model Predictive Control, including:
- A brief overview of model predictive control, Peter Roberts.
- Innovation in Industrial Model Predictive Control, David Sandoz,
- Integrating Predictive Control and Economic Optimisation, V.M.Becerra,
- Crude Unit Control and Optimisation at Grangemouth Refinery, Allan Jones,
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