Glossary of Control Engineering Terms - Q
Quantisation: Digital computers operate with finite arithmetic. When a signal is sampled it is converted to a binary value with a finite number of bits so some bits must be truncated or rounded off.
Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT): A robust control design technique where the plant uncertainty is represented by a set of templates in the complex plain (polar form) within each is enclosed all possible frequency responses for some specified frequency. The uncertainty templates are usually generated by a discrete grid of uncertainty parameters. From these templates performance constraints can be generated such that the controller can be designed in the complex plain or Nichols chart.
Glossary Index
[A], [B], [C], [D], [E], [F], [G], [H], [I], [J], [K], [L], [M], [N], [O], [P], [Q], [R], [S], [T], [U], [V], [W], [X, Y, Z],
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